LX brought many improvements, such as higher speed DDR, a re-designed instruction pipe, and a more powerful display controller. Geode processors tightly integrate some of the functions normally provided by a separate chipset , such as the northbridge. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from " https: One Laptop per Child. Advanced Micro Devices x86 microprocessors Embedded microprocessors. In , comments by AMD indicated that there are no plans for any future micro architecture upgrades to the processor and that there will be no successor; however, the processors will still be available with the planned availability of the Geode LX extending through
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It is expected that the Geode line of processors will be updated less frequently due to the closure of the Geode design center.

Add framebuffer support for the AMD Geode LX

This page was last edited on 25 Octoberat However, it was reported that the specific design team for Geode processors in Longmont, Coloradohas been closed, and 75 employees are being relocated to the new development ad in Fort Collins, Colorado. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The NX part runs at 1. Whilst the processor family is best suited for thin clientset top box and embedded computing applications, it can be found in unusual applications such as the Nao robot and the Win Enterprise IP-PBX.

In other projects Wikimedia Commons. For other uses, see Geode disambiguation. The series was originally launched by National Semiconductor as the Geode family in The power consumption is Geode GX and LX processors are typically found in devices such as thin clients and industrial control systems.

LX brought many improvements, such as higher speed DDR, a re-designed instruction pipe, and a more powerful display controller. The Geode NX, with its strong FPU, is particularly suited for embedded devices with graphical performance requirements, such as information kiosks and casino gaming machines, such as video slots.

One Laptop per Child. The original Geode processor core itself is derived from the Cyrix MediaGX platform, which was acquired in National's merger with Cyrix in Views Read Edit View eisplay.

" SVGA Touch Panel PC AMD Geode LX- 00 MHz Processor (Model: AFLA-LX)

Retrieved from " https: However, they have come under competitive pressure from VIA on the x86 side, and ARM processors from various vendors taking much of the low-end business. List of AMD microprocessors. Displya processors tightly integrate some of the functions normally provided by a separate chipsetsuch as the northbridge.

AMD expanded the Geode series to two classes of processor: Advanced Micro Devices x86 microprocessors Embedded microprocessors. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Early x86 bit Am AMD bought the Geode business from National in August to augment its existing line of embedded x86 processor products. Geode processors are optimized for low power consumption and low cost while still remaining displa with software written for the x86 platform.

Incomments gepde AMD indicated that geod are no plans for any future micro architecture upgrades to the processor and that there will be no successor; however, the processors will still be available with the planned availability of the Geode LX extending through There are no official references to this processor except officials explaining that the batch of CPUs were "being shipped to specific customers", though it is clear it has no relation with the other Geode NX CPUs other than sharing the same CPU socket Socket A.


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